Sunday, July 12, 2009

Coming in September: Itasca!

Yes, we think we may actually have solid travel plans again! We're planning a week-long jaunt up to north country to hopefully stay at a cabin in Itasca State Park in early September. It sounds like there's tons of lakes, and we found these cabins that offer rooms for whatever amenities you might need. I would prefer the four-plex since it's a bit more rustic (and romantic!) than the others, yet has a bathroom. A kitchen would have been nice, or at least a fridge, but we can live without it. There's a firepit which I find pretty cool and it would be good for us to learn how to properly start up an actual camping fire. I'm guessing that's one of those skills that Hubby can pull out of nowhere when he needs to but that I would somehow turning into a disaster if left to my own device. John never ceases to impress me with weird stuff like that :)

Anyway, we're syked to have some plans that won't break the bank, but that will get us away for awhile. I'd like to stay in one place and do a lot of hiking and maybe even rent a canoe to cruise a serene lake, but counter that with John's wanderlust! So maybe some day trips to Bemidji and the surrounding areas would be in order, photo shoots, birdwatching and exploring a bit, but then we can come home to the same place and not have to be packing and unpacking so much. YAY! I can't wait to be blogging our inane details here in September!!