We made out for Wild River State Park, which is a sublime retreat along the St. Croix River. Since the recreation of summer is done, there wasn't a single boat on the wavy, writhing river, and nary a two-legged creature but for one man walking his beautiful, fluffy white dog who had enjoyed himself by taking a dip in the cold waters and getting his feet all brown with sand from the beach. Friendly and cute, after letting us pat him, he trotted off looking like he had on his own pair of doggie Wellies :) I wish I had gotten a photo!
Dried fluff against an October sky
Fall Colors Waning
Autumn's Beauty
The Mighty St. Croix
Eagle's Nest
Fall Palette
Prairie's Golden Hair
Tree's Dotting the Wisconsin Shore
White, Gold, Brown
A Mighty Oak With Annatto-Red Leaves
St. Croix River
Berries & Fungi
Blue Jay
The Masked Bandit Robin
Beaver-Chewed Tree
Faerie Doors
Horsetail (I think)
Our walk was leisurely, quiet, tender. As we age, so does our relationship, and things change and morph with us as they ever did. But now it's more solid than the tumultuousness of youthful love, rife with doubt and fear. I'm always pleasantly surprised by how much there is always yet to know and learn about my life partner, my John. He keeps me always laughing (or rather, snorting and making sudden guffaws that startle everyone in the vicinity) with his spontaneous humor. When we take these little roadtrips to walk quietly together, awakening our senses to nature's every mood and season, it fills and replenishes us from within, individually and as a couple.
The Man Who Holds My Heart <3