It being an unseasonably warm day on Sunday, over 40 degrees, after some brutally frigid days at minus 20 temperatures with windchills dipping in the minus 60 range, we planned to enjoy the warm day to its fullest! Having lounged the morning away with the heat off and windows open in the condo, we set out for a mid-day's walk at Fort Snelling State Park. We often head to Fort Snelling for walkies as it is close by, and there are lots of great trails and much wildlife to see. We opted for the Pike Island path, which is a path that we frequently take when it is not flooded out. We saw some cool fungi growing despite the bitter cold:
And there were some neat trees along the way with interesting or odd formations:
We were enjoying walking and talking and feeling very Schmoopie all the while. Hearing crows overhead, we kept our eyes peeled for birds of prey, but they had eluded us at the outset. Halfway through our journey, however, we caught sight of this:
The wonderfully brave, tenacious crows relentlessly pestered this absolutely gorgeous Boreal Owl until it flew away! They were even pecking at his poor head!! I love crows, but they can be brutes! Our quest to see an owl out in the wild wood was achieved! And caught it on camera! We'd been looking for Snowy Owls because they are reportedly flying all across the metro right now, but this was cool, too :)
Just as we were lowering the camera after the crow and owl scuffle, we heard an unusual call right above our heads, and we started snapping! Look at this beauty who came by, none other than the Pileated Woodpecker, the same as the famous Woody:
I see lots of woodpeckers in the city, but usually the adorable, tiny Hairy Woodpecker, and I've even caught sight of a Northern Flicker along the river near my workplace. But it's not too often you catch sight of a giant Pileated, and certainly not long enough to catch a photo! I see eagles, red-tailed and Cooper's hawks reliably, so I've loads of photos of them. In the summer, I see kestrals quite often flitting above the river bridges. And I've come across several owl pellets along the river bridge where I walk at work, but hadn't caught sight of an owl, but for one along the roadway as we were driving home from one of our adventures, and going too fast to get a photo. We will be checking the bird blog to track the sightings of the beautiful Snowy Owl, and any other owls that happen to be about!
After our romantic stroll, we headed out for home, exhausted and ready for hot soup and cold beer at the Bier Haus. On the way out, we spotted several does nibbling and dozing along the trail out, and near the freeway entrance, spotted twelve wild turkeys. What an awesome day!!
Lunch at the Bier Haus:
Pretzel Bowl with Potato & Bacon Soup-perfection :)
Delicious meat in tube form!