Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Baby I'm Ready To Gooooooo

We are soooo ready to go on vacation!! I've been a crabby little biddy and John has been anxious for the past two weeks. The break from the mundane will be most wonderful. We're super-jazzed because we just found out today that we got tickets to The Colbert Report!!!!!!!! So the breakdown so far is this:

Arrive NYC on St. Patrick's Day: avoid as many unruly drunks as possible, go see the Empire State Bldg which is open til midnight, thankfully, or we'd probably never even bother with it.

Saturday: not sure, John's got this all mapped out....probably Yankee Stadium, maybe CBGBs.

Sunday: The Pogues!

Monday: The Daily Show!

Tuesday: The Colbert Report!

Somewhere in there we also need to hit my foodie stuff: Amy Sedaris' cupcakes & cheeseballs which are reportedly sold somewhere in the Village (which is conveniently located in the same area as her apartment where she makes them); Moby's vegan tea shop, TEANY, and maybe we'll take photos of Bobby Flay's restaurants. If Jamie Oliver's restaurant is still around, I'll have to eat there, no question. And I'd love to see where the lovely Ms Julie Powell, my all-time office drone hero, lives, but she recently moved and I've been lazy about keeping up on these details in the blogs. Plus, it would just be weird to be wandering around with a camera asking about The Powell's because that's something that she would notice and blog about, and I'll be DAMNED if I'm going to go down in blogging history as some crazy lady wandering around trying to take pictures of a bloggers apartment.

On the kitty front: Mom will be taking care of the babies. Hopefully they won't give her much trouble. We're hoping that Boo Boo will see the error of her ways in her hatred of my mom (because she took her to the vet ONCE 10 years ago and the cat refuses to let bygones be bygones) and realize that hey, mom isn't so bad, she's feeding me, cooing at me and at least she doesn't chase me around the condo like that madwoman, Vesta!!! We'll be calling the machine to leave the cats messages. Dorky, we know.

We've got most everything packed already. The real trick will be getting to the airport. We wanted to take the LRT, but we'd have to walk about 1/2 mile to the darn station that is now covered in icey snow with two check-in bags and two backpacks. So we'll probably cab it. Oh, and this is going to be at 4:00 in the morning, cuz we need to get to the airport by 5:00. I guess we'll be going to bed about 6 pm on Thursday night!! GEEZ!

Anyway, I'm off to think of something to fix for dinner to use up the rest of the fresh stuff. Next blog will probably be from the original big city itself!!

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

By now you guys are probably jsut getting checked in to your hotel room! Hope you had a safe flight! Have fun and can't wait to hear of your adventures!