Friday, June 29, 2007

Groggy Excitement!

Well, I've not slept that hard in many moons! My normal 5 AM internal clock overslept until 7! Since I'm still covered in sleep-fairy-dust, John is fixing egg sammies for us so I can wake up a little over tea. He's bubbling with his usual travel excitement and I imagine he literally leapt out of bed. My throat is pretty tender :( so I tossed all the meds we have into my bag just in case I get ill on the road. There's nothing I loathe more than having to purchase expensive meds that I know I've got sitting at home getting closer to expiring. So far, my hot tea is nice and soothing!

Anyway, now that you've got the blow-by-blow on our morning activities, we should be heading out by 10:00 AM, if not sooner. Dave should be here to pass the condo torch to around 9:00 and by then we should be pretty much ready to hit it!!! Yipppeeeeeee!

Next post: Beloit, WI!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

tea and egg sammies sounds so nummy right now!! Have fun on the trip!!!!!