Having honored the needs of my teensy-ass bladder all the way by avoiding almost all liquids and making automatic pit stops whether needed or not (they were ALWAYS needed) it made our walks and waiting times much easier. Incidentally, coffee and liquor is off-limits for me during the entirety of this trip. I will be having Earl Grey or Mint tea with cream instead. Nobody's coffee is as good as what John fixes at home, anyway, so it is really no loss for me! We made sure to order food on the planes, even though it was extra, and that was fortunate because by the time we made our way through all the planes, trains and trams, we stumbled into our Pensjonet and utterly crashed with exhaustion. We woke around 5pm Norge time, we went for a walk about, then stopped at the grocery store to feed our intense hunger from so long a while between feedings! We ended up at the grocery store where we shopped the last time we were here, and went right by Coch's Pensjonet sans all the horrible ripped up road construction we endured last visit. We realized with a pang, however, that Kafe Kaffe is no longer in existence :( I was SOOOO looking forward to their spread of smorbrod!! (FYI-I don't have Norwegian characters on this keyboard.) Ah well, we decided on simplicity: sub sandwiches with cheese, salami, pesto spread with potato salad, potato chips and chocolate chip cookies. And we picked up some of the incredible Norwegian yogurt that puts anything dairy in our country to utter shame. It is like eating a creamy, sweet cloud of delicious heaven. You come here, you try the whole milk, PLAIN yogurt. It needs no sweetener, it needs nothing, but it really is fantastic with trail mix stirred into it. I even ordered the cultures to make this yogurt strain at home, but my first try didn't work out too well, and the second packet of cultures is still in the freezer and probably too old, but I think I would need to invest in a yogurt heater to do it properly. (If you're into that sort of thing, you can order specific cultures from Cultures for Health's website.)
Anyway, I am going to sign off and let John upload our photos and call my Mummy. And tonight, we will sleep in this glorious bed with these super-soft pillows that I must have at home! Will post more tomorrow!
Love to all,
We miss the furbabies!!!
Flying to Reykjavik
On the Tarmac at Reykjavik
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