Saturday, August 27, 2016

The Cats of Dereham!

Introducing.....the cats of Dereham! 

Pippa is a gorgeous little kitty with special needs morning and evening due to diabetes, she is super sweet and seemed to be always around, but not as attention-seeking as the others. 

The Princess. This sweet noodle seems to loved to be up on things in order to be the center of attention. Soft and slightly plump, she looks very similar to little Pippa. 

Reba is a huge Maine Coon, a sweet, gentle giant. He would always be sprawled out on the hallway landing, his head propped on the top stair, whenever I would come out in the night to wee (as they say here.) 

Khan is just like a tiny black panther. His tail was as fat a tail as I've ever seen on a kitty! If I could sneak away with any of these little babes, I would sneak away with this sleek and sturdy beauty.

And Kolo!

Kolo insisted on laying on the bed with us for awhile, but knowing he was locked into the room, he would abruptly jump over my head and launch for the door, just after everyone got comfortable, of course. He purrs like a freight train, and reminds me so much of Walter in both purr intensity and general disposition. If I remember correctly, this big boy weighs in at 26 pounds! Such a giant love! 

The crew demanding breakfast!

And look, their house has a little cupboard under the stairs just like in Harry Potter!

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