Monday, July 11, 2005

Home, Home on the Range

We made it home! We hung out in the hotel until 11:30 and then went to the game (I fell asleep again for most of it) and they were winning, things were good, then they gave up a home run in the 8th or 9th and we decided to leave. We sulked out, and I had a feeling that they would win if we left....that maybe John is right, that we are bad luck this season. We're being punished via the baseball cosmos because we didn't renew our season tickets. Whaddya know, they pulled it together to win in the 12th inning, and just as we peeled out of the city limits.

We stopped a few times on the way home, one time simply to scrape the dead bugs off the windshield, it was gross. So we are responsible for many bug lives being lost. Poor nasty things. We saw tons of Fireflies in Iowa and they were such a pretty sight floating out in the cornfields (though not so pretty plastered against glass). We made it home about midnight, and I was so thankful John had taken the wheel in Des Moines because there was mega road construction on 35 and it was dark and scary and I know I woulda freaked out. YAY FOR SCHMOOPIE :)

We haven't been able to stay awake hardly today, John's fighting the cold I gave to him and he didn't get any sleep last night, and I can't get moving on anything, not even unpacking or laundry. We're so wiped. I think I'm still fighting whatever cold thing I had but it never quite materialized into anything major, I'm hoping it doesn't. We both dread getting up at 6:30 am tomorrow.

We had a great journey and our city seems small now the way it always does when you go exploring, work seems pointless when the bigger scheme is on the horizon, but we like our little life, and we were very happy to see Boo and she was waiting for us by the door. She twirled herself around on the floor and purred and meowed and purred and meowed. John said while he was up watching tv (unable to sleep because he's so stuffed up) and she was sitting in the beadbag, all of a sudden she started "chirping" at him randomly. Our baby, what a little nut! Well, it was a great trip and we can't wait to plan our next one, but we are very glad to be home!

Total mileage: 2428!!

Estimated gas cost: $200 (OUCH!)

1 comment:

Dancing said...

Good Morning Guys, and welcome home!!! I thoroughly enjoyed the blog! R, you're such a funny writer! Ialmost peed myself at several points during your narrative! No wonder folks like road tripping with you, you're never dull!

Anyway, I'm glad you had agood time and are safe at home--bummer about the 6:30 am thing. But you're been on a trip and got to watch the horizon and the trees and that will always be with you now--even when you're fielding pointless phone calls! Much love, L