Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Uploading Problems

Well, we've been trying to upload some pix for the blog, but it only worked that one time. Now it says DONE but it LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We just got back from the Indians vs Detroit Tigers game at Jacobs Field which I have to admit, was frickin amazing. The stadium is totally beautiful and Coco Crisp hit an in-the-park home run! That's a first for me, I don't think I've seen ANY player hit one of those, certainly no one in the dome. The dome just doesn't seem conducive to in-the-park homers. Maybe if we had a new sweet stadium as nice as Camden Yards or Pac-Bell Park...

Then we got to see the most awesome fireworks display! The whole place stayed for the show and they turned off all the lights and had an awesome fireworks display, in addition, you could see all around the sky all the other fireworks going off. They went on and on! It was great being able to see the gulls flying overhead all through the game (I LOVE gulls!!) so I was happy to see more live animals having a nice time :) I'm sure they get lots of hot dog treats after the game.

I suppose I should sign off since I'm trying to shake off some residual crabbiness from the drive home (that John so calmly handled) and a headache. Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!!
Love to all :)
The Schmoopies

FYI: We are now in Eastern time zone--1 hour ahead--so I'll just post as the current time we are in.

1 comment:

Knucklelullaby said...

You? Crabby? Inconceivable!

Your Pal, Bill